Thursday, December 18, 2014

Jewel's Journey

Jewel was an intelligent cat.  She figured out that every time I turned on the Wii at night, it was time for dinner.  She began to come out of her cube or the bedroom when she heard the Wii starting up, and sat on the floor by the TV.  Sometimes she'd get impatient and start meowing at me for her share of my dinner if I didn't sit down and eat right away.  She always demanded that I share my hot dog, chicken, or beef with her.  She took turns getting food from my friend D and me; if one of us ran out, she'd stare at the other one with those big green eyes and meow until we met her demand for another bite of meat.


  1. Good for you Jewel, you just ask for that food and it sounds like you get some most of the time. We are the same way. We just stare until we get a snack.

  2. When Lucy wants some food Jewel she looks at me and does a silent meow - of course she is always ready for a treat!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Yes indeed, she was a smart one...she found you!

  4. Jewel sounds a lot politer than Binga (or me) - we don't ask, we go right up to the plate and try to help ourselves!

  5. jewel, that was a veree smart thing two due !!! tho we hope ewe getted mor beef N hot dawgs... sted oh ...burd... !!! ♥♥♥

  6. Jewel was a beauty. I am so happy that her last years were so full of love.

  7. Yep, we cats are sooooo smart - yoo knew dat right? Hah!
    Thanks for stopping by our blog and your kind words about Beau Beau. He will truly always be in our hearts.
    PUrrs, Angie and mom Brenda

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