Friday, June 9, 2017

Meezer Colors Day

Hi everyone, it's Milita today!

Carmine  says THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the Happy Gotcha Day wishes and awesome cards you all sent him!  He sure was thrilled to see all our friends leaving comments for him!

Today is Meezer Colors Day - a day for all of us kitties to show off our beautiful colors.

Some of you may have already seen this photo on the Mom's Facebook page, but she really likes this photo of me, so I told her she can share it here, too.

You may not be able to see all my beautiful colors in this photo.  I am a lynx-point Siamese.  I have dark gray stripes on my legs, face, and tail.  My ears are a solid dark gray.  The rest of my body *used to be* a lighter gray than my ears and tail, but now the Prednisolone I take for my asthma has turned me BROWN on some of my coat!

The Mom says I am beautiful no matter what color I am.

Maybe you can see the difference in my fur color.  Here is a photo of me when I was younger.

And here's a more recent photo of me.

I hope you have a happy Meezer Colors Day and a wonderful weekend!


  1. You sure are a pretty girl and we love your colors! Dang, I should have had Sister Seal show off her meezer today.

  2. Milita, I agree with your mom; you are beautiful no matter what colors are in your furs!

  3. You are a beautiful girl, Milita, no matter what color your fur is!

  4. Happy Meezer Colors Day, Milita! Your human is right - you are beautiful no matter what colors your fur turns.

  5. You are beautiful...and once a Meezer, always a Meezer!

    Minko is also on prednisolone for his issues, and his furs do look a lot different than when he was young. And unkempt too, no matter how much he gets brushed...

  6. You're absolutely gorgeous,Milita! Happy Meezer Colors Day!

  7. Your Mom is right, Milita - you are beautiful in any color ! It is so good to hear from you and Carmine again !

  8. MEEZER COLORSS ROCK Milita!!! No matter what color yur furs; yur so-o beeuteefull. An LadyMum said NYLABLUE'SS furss did thee berry same fing changin colorss...
    Wishin you an Carmine an Lady Sierra a wunderfull (not too hot) weekend.
    ***paw kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  9. Milita, Happy Meezer Colors Day!!! Your colours are just divine!

    Bestest purrs

    Basil & Co xox

  10. There are beans who spend hundreds on contact lenses to get that eye colour. You got it - so flaunt it!

  11. We're a little late to celebrate Meezer Colors Day with you, but it sounds like it was great for you. We're slowly reconnecting with everyone since Mom Paula has retired. Hope to see more of you soon.

    Truffle, Brulee, and Mom Paula

  12. You certainly are beautiful, regardless of the color! Love and purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang

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