As many of you know, Tylan has been really strugging since
the beginning of December, 2024. At that time, his labs confirmed that he was
having an acute bout of pancreatitis (he has chronic pancreatitis that flares
every little bit). We also found out at that time that he had gone from stage 2
kidney disease (where he’d been stable for 3 years) to mid stage 3 kidney
At the end of December, 2024, Tylan continued to struggle
with his pancreatitis, and his labs showed that he had moved into late stage 3
kidney disease. Given that there were only 3 weeks between his two sets of
labs, I was disturbed by the increase in his kidney values. But the
veterinarians at his clinic didn’t seem too concerned about it. At that time,
we decided to put him on subcutaneous fluids every other day and to get him
through his acute bout of pancreatitis and start him on a renal diet once he
felt better.
On December 30, 2024, Tylan was feeling so crummy that in
lieu of acupuncture, his vet took blood work and an x-ray (to see if he was
constipated as I hadn’t seen him poop lately). Tylan WAS, in fact, pretty
constipated. Long story short, he ended up going back to the vet on January 2
to have an enema because the lactulose and miralax weren’t relieving the
Tylan had been eating less at the end of December as well.
We all hoped that the constipation was the key – relieve the constipation and
he might want to eat more.
Unfortunately, that didn’t happen.
This past weekend, Tylan started acting a bit odd. Anyone
who has ever been around us or talked to me on the phone or Zoom knows that
Tylan is a bit of a chatter. His chatter usually means, “Feed me! I’m hungry!”
But whenever I offered him food, he refused to eat it. I could tell he was
pretty nauseous – all he wanted was water. He’d take one sniff of his food and
walk away. Sometimes he’d humor me by taking a few bites before he walked away.
He was eating kibble better than canned food, so I started giving him more
kibble. It isn’t ideal, but he needs to eat.
His vocalizing increased tremendously over the weekend. He’d
meow at random times. He seemed inconsolable. He didn’t want food. Sometimes
pets would ease his anxiousness, sometimes they wouldn’t. He wasn’t letting me
get more than 2-3 hours of sleep at a time.
We were back at his primary vet on Monday (Jan. 13) for his
regular acupuncture appointment. She even noticed that he was fussier and
needier than usual. She also noticed he was in a lot of discomfort. This wasn’t
too surprising to me – if he goes more than 3 weeks without acupuncture, his
arthritis bothers him, and it had been 5 weeks since his last acupuncture
(since we skipped the time before for an exam, blood work, and an x-ray).
She told me to put him back on buprenorphine for his pain
now that he isn’t constipated, so I did.
I had noticed that Tylan was urinating a LOT more than
usual. I brought this to his vet’s attention, but she wasn’t too concerned. She
said that’s what happens with kidney disease. That didn’t sit quite right with
me, and in hindsight, I should have pushed the issue. Tylan is my third cat
with CKD, and NOBODY has EVER urinated THIS MUCH! Not even Jewel who was in end
stage renal failure.
I also told his vet that he is still nauseous, but she didn’t
seem concerned about it. To be fair, she probably thought the two anti-nausea
meds we have him on (cerenia and Zofran) were enough.
She switched his appetite stimulant from mirtazapine to cyproheptadine
since the mirtaz seemed to make him edgy (he was pacing around and couldn’t
seem to settle).
As the week progressed, Tylan ate less and less. It was
clear that the bupe made him more comfortable, but he was still miserable. He
had an appointment to see his primary vet next Tuesday, but Tylan was eating so
little and he was so miserable that I couldn’t wait that long.
I took him in to see another vet at his primary clinic
yesterday (his primary vet only works Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays). So we
saw someone who has never seen him before today.
She decided to do an x-ray to see if Tylan was constipated
again, do in-house blood work, and give him subcutaneous fluids (he was a bit
So, they got the x-ray. He is NOT constipated, so we think
he’s just not pooping because he isn’t eating enough.
His blood work came back and that’s where my world blew up.
On December 31, his labs showed the following:
Creatinine: 3.8
BUN: 49
Phosphorus: 5.8
Platelets: 313
Chloride: 117
Calcium: 10.1
Yesterday (Jan 16), his results were as follows:
Creatinine: 9
BUN: 109
Phosphorus: 9.8
Platelets: 92
Chloride: 109
Calcium: <1.0
The vet recommended that Tylan be admitted to a hospital for
aggressive fluid therapy and medications.
So, I immediately got a Lyft to VRCC and had Tylan admitted.
Nearly all of my cats have seen specialists or been to the ER at VRCC so I know
they provide quality care.
The vet did a cursory exam and came out to talk to me. I
asked him point blank if he thinks they can actually help Tylan or if it’s time
to let him go. He told me he believes Tylan has a chance and it’s worth trying
to treat him but to also mentally prepare for having to let him go.
After paying an exorbitant deposit, they took me back to see
my baby. I gave him a hug and told him how much I love him, that they’ll take
good care of him, that I’ll visit him tomorrow, and that he’ll be home before
he knows it (God, I hope I’m right about that last one). I cried over him, and
all he did was purr and hug me. He is such a sweet boy.
I talked to the vet caring for him last night.
He said Tylan’s creatinine is now 12.1 and BUN is 140. His
calcium has come up, though.
He also said they took x-rays of Tylan’s back legs (which
have been swollen for about 2 weeks now). He said the radiologist says there’s
fluid in his ankle joints – much more in the right than in the left. They don’t
know the cause of this yet.
The vet said he MAY have a system-wide infection. This would
make sense. A vet at his primary clinic suggested we start antibiotics after
his enema because she was afraid he might have a kidney infection, which would
explain his increased kidney values. He just finished his round of Zeniquin,
and clearly that didn’t help.
So, they are trying him on an IV antibiotic. If it doesn’t
help, the vet said they may try a different one. They also collected urine and
sent it off to culture.
Tylan will have an abdominal ultrasound tomorrow to look at
his pancreas and kidneys. I can only prepare myself for tough news there – he has
a lot of issues with both organs.
Because Tylan isn’t eating much at all, they may need to give
him a feeding tube. But due to the horrid state of his kidneys, putting him
under anesthesia is risky. The vet also talked about taking a sample of the
fluid in his ankle joints, but he said we likely won’t go that route due to the
risk of anesthesia. He says we will likely guess at the cause of the ankle
issue and trial treat.
They anticipate Tylan needing to be hospitalized for at
least 2-4 days, but it may be longer.
The HOPE is that the fluids and medications will help his
kidney values come down some. The vet who is caring for him said we likely won’t
get him back down to 3.8. So he’ll likely be in end stage CKD if/when he gets
better. They are trying to pinpoint the underlying cause of all of this. This
has really happened very fast, and it scares me that I have never heard of a
cat with as high kidney values as Tylan has right now.
We should know in 24-48 hours if his kidneys are failing due
to kidney disease or not. Obviously, if his kidneys have crapped out due to
CKD, there’s nothing we can do.
Best case scenario – he has an infection that can be
treated. Worst case scenario – his kidneys have crapped out in a hurry and we will
have to let him go.
I will not allow him to suffer. If it looks like kidney
disease is responsible, I will bring him home and get an in-home euthanasia
done. Yes, I know it’s MUCH more expensive than having it done at the vet. But
he deserves to have a peaceful transition if at all possible. He has been
through far too much in his short life not to give him that gift.
Any purrs, prayers, healing thoughts, reiki, healing energy……anything
positive or healing you want to send Tylan’s way is much appreciated. I’m still
reeling from all this. It has happened so, so fast. I feel so lost without him
here; taking care of him is practically a full-time job (and I don’t mind – he’s
totally worth it). I just want him to be okay, to be happy, to be able to have
more time for me (and Giovanni) to love him.
I am so sorry that Tylan is so very ill and hope the vets can help him. Of course I send my prayers for him and for you too.
ReplyDeleteI am so very sorry to read about your handsome Tylan. Many hugs and prayers to you both
Fight, fight, fight sweet Tylan, we all love you lots and are sending mega purrs and prayers your way. Hugs and love to your Mama too.
ReplyDeleteSending hugs and purrs for you and Tylan, Sierra.
ReplyDeleteDear Sierra, we are holding you close in thought and prayer today, along with your dear Tylan ... knowing your heart is hurting with every passing moment. Have faith that with your love and all the good care being given to him, he will soon be home and better ... have faith.
ReplyDeleteWe're purring loud and hard for Tylan.
ReplyDeletePoor baby. I'm so sorry he's so sick and am sending my prayers. π❤️
ReplyDeleteLots of prayers for you and Tylan and your family, this is a hard time.
ReplyDeleteWe are so sorry to read this and we send Tyan purrs and purrayers and Power of the Paw along with much love.
ReplyDeleteWe are sending oodles and oodles of healing purrs for Tylan ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteWe are so sorry to hear about how sick Tylan. We hope he is feeling better soon. Lots of paws crossed and power of the paw for him from us.
ReplyDeleteWoos - Misty and Timber
Purring hard for your sweet boy.
ReplyDeleteWe have our paws crossed that Tylan feels better and can come home soon.
ReplyDeletePoor little guy. Sending loads of purrs that this is just a bump in the road and things improve so he can return home to his loving family.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry that your poor little guy is going through all of this. Sending prayers and hugs and POTP to sweet Tylan for some good news and recovery.
ReplyDeleteI am so so sorry he is going through all this. As his Mom it is exceeding hard for you as well. Prayers for that precious boy.
ReplyDeleteI I am praying for Tylan and for you. I am sorry so many things are going wrong in his little body. I know how hard it is to leave a pet at the vet when you want to spend every second with them. XO
ReplyDeleteI am sorry. Sending lots of prayers for your baby.
ReplyDeleteπ₯° Big hugs to you to help with your worries and anxiety, (understandable), for poor sweet Tylan. We hope and pawray that the docs will be able to make hime better to the point where he can feel better's too.π π₯° ❤️
So sorry that you are going through all of this. It's so hard when our furkids suffer.
Extra Healing Pawkisses and purrayers are on the way, sweet Tylan. Hang in there, sweet boy and the mommy tooππΎπ½π
ReplyDeletePurring for Tylan.
ReplyDeletesending purrz,,,,,,,
ReplyDeleteWe're purring for you, Tylan. And for you, too, Mom Sierra.
ReplyDeleteMy heart is breaking for both Tylan an you Sierra. I went thru this with Mingflower & NYLABLUE. It is never easy to make THAT decision. WE send White Light of Healing & **POTP to Tylan.
ReplyDelete(((hugss))) BellaSita Mum & ***purrss*** BellaDharma
Oh, that poor sweet baby, he and you have been through so much. My guys send purrs and the gentlest of headbonks.
ReplyDeleteI'm so very sorry your sweet kitty is ailing so much. Sending major healing energy thoughts your way with our hugs and tail wiggles. π
ReplyDeleteI understand your pain and wish you much love and healing prayers. Be well, my dear.