The 4th Annual Pets Add Life Children's Poetry Contest is now accepting entries from children in grades three through eight. Children are encouraged to write a poem on any pet-related theme or topic. Some examples of things children can write about include: pets as best friends, their love of pets, the joy a pet brings to their life, the relationship they have with a friend or relative's pet, how a pet has changed their life, etc.
Poems should not exceed 100 words in length. The deadline for poem submission is January 31, 2012 with winners being notified by March 11, 2012. Six poems will be selected as winners - one from each grade level. Each winner will receive a $250 gift certificate for pet products, the poem will be published in a national magazine, and each winner will be given a "by-line" in the magazine as well. Additionally, six poems - one from each grade level - will be chosen nationally and that student's class will receive $1,000 (each) to spend on pet education.
You can submit a pet poem on-line or through the mail. You can submit your poem on-line here. If you would rather mail your poem, you can do so by printing out a submission form here and mailing the form along with your poem to:
Pets Add Life (PAL)
661 Sierra Rose Dr.
Reno, NV 89511
You can get more information about the contest by visiting this website.
Good luck to all the kids who decide to enter!
This is wonderful contest!! If they accept entries from adults, I might submit a poem - I have so many to write about my kitties :-)