Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Beautiful Calicos Chloe and Zora Need A Home: Opt to Adopt

Opt to Adopt

Chloe and Zora

Cat Care Society, Lakewood, CO

Chloe is a gorgeous calico ladycat who loves people.  She's very affectionate and outgoing.  At 15 years young, Chloe still loves to jump up to high places and watch the world.  Sometimes you can find her on the front counter at Cat Care waiting to greet everyone who comes to visit.  

Due to her senior status, Chloe is part of the Perpet-U-Care program, which will pay for a portion of her medical care for the rest of her life.  

Zora (Zoe) is an equally gorgeous calico kitty!  She came to the shelter with her best friend, Chloe, when their person had to go to a nursing home.  Zora's real name is Zoe, but since there is already a Zoe living at the shelter, they call her Zora for now.  Zora is also affectionate and friendly.  She is a little shy at first, but she's very loving once she gets to know you. 

Zora is approximately 9 years old.  She and Chloe are both spayed and up-to-date on their vaccinations.  They would like to find a great home together.  

You can find Chloe and Zora in the upstairs hall at Cat Care Society, located at 5787 W. 6th Avenue in Lakewood, CO.  They hope you'll visit them soon and discover for yourself what great companions they make!

Best friends, Chloe and Zora.  Photo from Chloe's Adopt a Pet profile page.


  1. Two beautiful ladies - we hope they will soon get lovely homes.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. One of our angels is a calico named Chloe. These girls are lovely and we will pray that they soon receive a great home together. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  3. We all love those pretty calicos and we hope the score purrfect homes soon!

  4. Thay awe vewy purretty. Meez suwe hopes they get a home soon. And wees purrayin' fuw Jewel.

    Luv ya' bunches,


  5. That picture of Chloe just tugs on my heart. Hope she and Zora get homes soon.
    Purring and sending healing wishes to Jewel!

  6. Whqat pretty girls they are! We hope they don't have too long to wait. It's sad that more people don't consider senior pets, since they are lovely companions.

  7. These two fine elders really need forever homes! I will help get the word out

  8. We hope that Jewel's blood pressure gets lower.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  9. Love calico cats and these are two beauties! Sharing.

  10. I posted you on Pinterest- I hope you get your forever home soon.

  11. best fishes two ewe chloe & zora...we hope yur in yur forevers home by next week ! ♥

  12. We are purring for Jewel, hope her blood pressure comes down soon.

    Chloe and Zora are such lovely ladies, our paws are crossed they find a home together soon.

  13. They are both beautiful and we hope for a forever home for both girls.

  14. They are gorgeous. Sure hope the find another forever home soon. Sharing.

  15. They are both gorgeous girls! Purring and praying that they find their special home soon.
