Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Carmine's Vet Visit

Hi everyone, it's mes, Carmine!

Mes wanted to post last week, but then the Mom gotted, "busy," so mes had to wait.  

Did yous know that today is National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day?  Since today has to do with the vet, mes thought it would be a good day to tell yous about my recent trip to the vet last week.

Since mes ams a senior kitty, the Mom makes sure mes gets a routine wellness exam by the vet every six months.  So mes went in for my routine wellness exam.  

Theys found out that me losted a pound these past three months.  The Mom wasn't very surprised by that because mes had a pancreatitis flare when hers was packing us up to come to our new home, but hers had hoped mes hadn't lost so much weight.  Mes weighed in at 9 pounds and 5 ounces.

But yous know what?!  Now mes gets to eat more prescription a/d to put the weight back on, and mes really likes those noms!  

Theys told the Mom that mes has a little gingivitis on my teeths, but theys said that mes doesn't need a dental done yet.  

Mes ams due for my annual blood stealing (blood work) in November.  

As much as us kitties don't like going to the vet place, mes ams here to tell yous that it be important to help keep us healthy and happy.  So please remind your humans to take yous to the vet once a year for a routine wellness exam if yous is a young kitty and twice a year for a wellness exam if yous is a wise senior kitty like mes.  


  1. Carmine, we're sorry you lost some weight. Eat up...and make sure you gain it back. :)

  2. Carmine, now that the household is settled in, I'm hoping your pancreatitis issues will at least slow down.

  3. Sorry you lost some weight, but I am glad you like the food that will help you gain some weight. You are lucky to have such a good Mom that takes you to the vet to keep you healthy. XO

  4. Oh boy, extra noms! I'm sure you'll put that pound back on soon! Snuggles for being such a good boy and knowing you has to go to the vets!

  5. Yes, going to the Vet is important, even if we don't like it. We're glad you are feeling pretty good Carmine, eat up pal!

  6. At least you are all moved in, and you can work on putting on the weight you lost now!

  7. That's wonderful that you like the prescription foods. We hope you join the Clean Plate Club, dear Carmine!

  8. I hope you'll gain from eating those yummy noms and feeling happy that you're settled in your new home.

  9. Oh Carmine, it is so good to hear from you ! I am glad you like your nams ! That is the best thing for you. Purrs.

  10. I am sorry you have lost some weight, Carmine, but glad you like the noms which should help you put it back on.

  11. Oh Carmine, we hope that mew put some weight on buddy. It's taken me 6 months to put mine back on aftur 3 x pancreatitis flare ups.

    Stay strong, eat those noms and enjoy

    Big hugs

    Basil & Co xox

  12. Well mee-yowed Carmine!!! Vet'ss are there to keep us healthee an happy!! An eat them nomss Carmine...now that yur inn yur new place there will bee less stress (maybe no stress?) an that will help all so. Yur Mumma had to move both of youss an herself tho'. It sounded purrty icky where you used to live ;)
    **nose rubsss** an POTP, Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

  13. Glad to hear things went basically well at the vet. Enjoy that extra food to help put some weight back on. Truffle had her wellness checkup last week and everything was great!

  14. Eat up Carmine! I am on the "twice a year plan" now too....Cody

  15. We seem to always be at the vet! Good reminder how it important it is. ❤

  16. I do hope to hear about some good weight gain next time you give us a report...
    I hope that soon you will love your new digs, too...that will help lower your stress level.

    Purrs & hugs!
