Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Thankful Thursday

Last week, my dad, my sister, my sister's husband, and their three boys came to visit me here in Colorado! I hadn't seen my sister since 2004, even though we talk at least once a week on the phone, and I hadn't seen my dad in over 10 years. I had never met my sister's husband or kids, so it was an exciting time. 

My sister is always telling me how sweet her mother-in-law, Lucy, is. She does a lot of really kind things for a lot of people. I hope I get a chance to meet her one of these days.

Anyway, the first evening I went over to the house my sister was renting, she gave me a gift from Lucy. I had seen this beautiful cat quilt Lucy had posted on her Facebook page back in February and commented that I wish I could make one because it is so cool. 

Lucy made me one!!

I could only get half of the quilt in the photo at a time. 


I think Giovanni loves this cat quilt as much as I do! Every day when I put it on my bed, he curles right up on it. 


This gift was so touching to me. I know it had to take Lucy many hours and much effort to make this gorgeous quilt, and I appreciate her for doing so. She is a very sweet woman.

Tutorial quilt.

You can find the quilt tutorial right here.

What are you all thankful for today?

Thankful Thursday


  1. Wow that looks totally gorgeous! All those cats to cuddle with at night plus the boy cats! How lovely you have them to visit after such a while, I hope you all have the best time!!

    Marjorie at Dash Kitten

  2. What a beautiful quilt! Love the kitties and bright colors.

  3. That quilt really is most gorgeous and even better, it's Giovannia approved. I'm glad you got to visit with your family too. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. A lovely quilt, obviously made with love; a purrfect gift.

  5. Gosh I would love to have a quilt like that for my bed.

  6. Glad you got to enjoy a good visit! And that is a gorgeous quilt for sure!

  7. That is a beautiful quilt, and such a kind and thoughtful gift.

  8. Wonderful thankfuls. I am glad you got to spend time with family. That is a beautiful and thoughtful gift. XO

  9. What an amazing visit with your family, and that quilt is so lovely! So kind of Lucy!

  10. Its always so good to be with family.
    I can't wait to go and see my sister, haven't seen her in person since before the pandemic...

    That is a gorgeous quilt! What a treasure!

  11. Gorgeous, quilting is truly an artistic endeavor ... how lucky you are to have this beautiful ~ and meaningful one. And so blessed to have had this wonderful, and long overdue family visit!
