Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Thankful Thursday and a Tylan Update


Hi everyone!

The Mom here with another update on Tylan. 

It's been about a week and a half since Tylan came home from the hospital. The first few days were pretty rough as he did not want to eat much. After talking to Tylan's Internal Medicine (IM) vet, we decided to raise his Zofran dose, and that does seem to be making him feel better as he is now eating more. 

He went back to the hospital on Monday to have labs done for his Internal Medicine specialist. 

When he came home from the hospital, Tylan's creatinine was 5.8. On Monday, his creatinine was 6.1. His IM vet warned me that his creatinine would go up once he was off the IV fluids, so I wasn't surprised to see it go up a bit. I was surprised that it didn't go up more than it did. I am thankful that, for now, he is holding relatively stable. His creatinine isn't good by any means - he is now in end-stage kidney disease, but I truly am grateful that he is doing better than he was before he was hospitalized.

Do you know what else I'm thankful for? PET INSURANCE! 

Tylan's hospital bill (for 5 days) was nearly $6,500.  His insurance is reimbursing me at 90%, which means I'll be out hundreds, not thousands, of dollars. I am so thankful I decided to get pet insurance for Tylan when I adopted him six years ago. It has been a real blessing and has helped me tremendously with the costs of his care.

That's all we have today. We are joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday blog hop. Please let us know something you are thankful for today in the comments; we love hearing from you!

I'll continue to keep you all posted on how Tylan is doing. Thank you all so much again for all the love and support you have been and continue to give us.

Thankful Thursday



  1. Good going Tylan!! We are happy that you're eating again.
    Pet insurance, that is great that you have it. Phew!

  2. Good to hear that Tylan is stable, and eating! Eating is always a good sign. Purrs from kitties and me!

  3. I'm happy to see Tylan eating and I know Giovanni always looks forward to some leftovers. We all love you Tylan! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. I am glad Tylan is eating better and his Creatinine didn't go too high.

  5. Well done with Tylan Sierra you are moving mountains for this boy and he knows it too.

    We are trying Sienna (senior tortie and kidney cay) on Astro's Oil and Creatinine scrub. Worth a try maybe? YES about the insurance. You ROCK STAR lady you. Pet Insurance even if I had to do without lunch every day PET INSURANCE! It saved Toulouse's life and is helping Tylan.

    You are doing GOOD.

    Marjorie and Toulouse
    at Dash Kitten

  6. We continue to send purrrayers as Tylan continues to improve.

  7. Glad you have pet insurance for Tylan. I will continue to pray for him. XO

  8. I'm so glad to hear he's better and the insurance is helping so much.

    You mentioned in a comment on my blog you would like to find an online Bible study. Have you heard of Bible Study Fellowship? They do have online options and have excellent studies.

  9. So glad to hear Tylan's eating, and happy that insurance is helping with those bills. We're still sending purrs and prayers!

  10. What a reeleef Tylan iss home an staybell Miss Sierra! Wee continue to send POTP an purrayerss an Love!!!
    ***purrss*** bellaDharma an {{{hugss}}} BellaSita Mum

  11. I hope Tylan continues to do well.

    Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words about Dexter.
