Sunday, May 19, 2024

A Few Purrs for Mama?



Hi everybody, it's mes, Giovanni! 

Me is here with a special request today. Mama is a bit of a mess and could use a few purrs.

Let me explain...

About a month ago, Mama was putting together an over-the-sink shelf and hers dropped it right on hers foot. It's a pretty heavy metal shelf, and hers had a few HBO words to say when it slammed on hers foot. 

Hers foot still be hurting, so hers had the doctor look at it when hers went last week. The doctor thinks Mama has a hairline fracture in hers right foot. Theys took an x-ray to make sure nothing more serious was going on, but Mama still doesn't have de results for it. Maybe hers will get them later today. Hers says de foot doesn't hurt too much unless something touches the top of it (shower water, sock, shoe...). 

Also, Mama's heartburn has been reallly really bad the past few months. Hers almost went to de ER twice cause de pain was dat bad. After talking to hers doctor about it last week, her doctor thinks Mama has a bleeding ulcer in her belly! Theys did some blood work, and theys found out Mama is now anemic from a serious iron deficiency. The doctor says this supports the theory of a bleeding ulcer in Mama's belly, but they is going to do an endoscopy on hers on Friday to see what is going on down there in Mama's belly. Please wish Mama luck! Hers has had heartburn for 15-ish years now. The last time it got really bad, hers had to have her gall bladder yanked! 

De iron deficiency is making Mama feel crummy. Hers gets headaches everyday and sometimes hers gets really really tired. The doctor is going to have Mama start going to de hospital for iron infusions through an IV. That doesn't sound like fun at all, but Mama tells me it won't be too bad.

If you could please send my mama a few purrs, mes bets hers would appreciate it. Mes wants Mama to stop hurting so much. Mes and Tylan don't like it when Mama hurts.


  1. I am sending tons of SpanielZen and my mom and I are both keeping your mom in our thoughts and prayers, Giovanni♥

  2. Dear Sierra.....we may not know you but that doesn't mean we can't worry about you and send you "hope you feel better soon" wishes! Teddy and I hope you get some positive news from your doctors and that your treatments will help you.

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy

  3. Things are very challenging for your mom right now. I'm sending her my prayers and healing Light, and my angels are sending their purrs. I hope everything soon will be sorted out and your mom will be on meds that speed her recovery. ❤️πŸ™

  4. Sending extra-big purrs and prayers that the tests, the treatments (and kitty cuddles, too) will bring you back to good health, restore strength and find you with days of happy, good health again ... purrs from June, gentle hugs from Ann.

  5. Dear Sierra...Katie and I join in sending you purrs and prayers and wishes that the pain and worry are sorted out and gone with life returning to normal. Hugs and purrs.

  6. Sending lots of purrs and prayers.

  7. Tylan and Giovanni I send your sweet Mom lots of healing purrs for her injured foot
    and that her procedure on Friday will give her medical team information needed
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Elsa, Wilson the House Pony and I all send our best healing energy to your Mama and hope she feels better soon. Those foot injuries are no fun and we empathize greatly. Hugs and tail wags.

  9. Purrs, prayer and all our love coming to your Mama. You're a good boy Giovanni taking such good care of your Mama.

  10. Mark's Mews here: Anonomousie again... We hope yer Mom is feeling her foot good again soon. Nothing like a hurt paw ta slow a Bein down. They only have 2 ta walk on...

    Purrs of Healing...

  11. Many purrs and prayers from Audace and me. How awful to have more than one painful thing going on at one time. =(

  12. Hi Guys! We are sure sending purrayers your Peep's way! We know how difficult our peep is when she's not well. And we know how wonderful all the purrs from our furrends can help! Keep being awesome! Purrayers, head bokns and whisker kisses Marvelous Marv

  13. Many many hopes and purrs being sent to your Mama to feel better soon, Giovanni. And to you also, I know it's hard for a little kitty to have Mama not feeling very well.

  14. I am sorry your mama is not feeling well. I will be praying for her. XO

  15. I am so sorry for your Mama, sending lots of prayers to her that she will get better soon xx

  16. Sending purrs and healing vibes for your mama!

  17. Oh gosh, I am so sorry to read of your mama's medical issues! My dear-departed hubby had a slew of medical issues along with his dementia over the last 5-6 years of his life so I feel so much for your mama. I hope everything starts to heal quickly and that your mama recovers speedily. Sending POTP and love from the Z Kids and me. 🐾🐾❤️❤️

  18. We're sending hugs and saying prayers.

    Love ya'

    RaenaBelle and Zebby

  19. Giovanni, we send your Mama all the purrayers and POTP we have. We know you and Tynan and all her doctors will do all they can to make her better.

  20. Deer Miss Sierra it has been a furry long time....wee sorry you are unwell an wanted to vissit an give you POTP an purrayerss an LOVE!!! Wee hope THE Endyscopy goess smoothly an wee hope there iss nothin wrong an maybee there iss a Reeflux med that cuud help you. Wee hope THE Iron treetmintss due not hert...yore furry brave! Giovanni iss lovelee to meet you!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

  21. Your Mama is in my prayers for all of these health concerns. It's way no fun when the mom is sick!

  22. Give your mom some purrs, kids! That's a lot of stuff to deal with. We hope there's no need for any surgery. Get well soon!

  23. It never rains but it pours...sheesh, what a lot to be enduring. We hope that the docs can help your Mom feel much better, soon. We send our bestest and fervent POTP!

  24. Sending tons of purrs and positive thoughts. Purrs and hugs

  25. Healing purrs & POTP for your Mom, we hope she feels much better soon.

  26. Healing Pawkisses and Purrayers to feel better soonπŸ™πŸΎπŸ˜½πŸ’ž

  27. We are most definitely purring and praying for your mama.

  28. Yikes Mum needs our love and hopes for a full recovery here!

    Marjorie and Toulouse
    Dash Kitten

  29. Lots of distant reiki healing energy hugs to you sweet Mama ~ be well soon.

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  30. Sending up some pawrayers fur your Mama!

