Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Thank You on Thankful Thursday

Today is Thankful Thursday, and we are joining the Thankful Thursday blog hopThankful Thursday blog hop at Brian's Home - Forever. 

rPurrs and prayers
Graphic by Ann of Zoolatry.

Today, I am so very thankful to all of you in the pet-loving community. You might have seen this post earlier this week where Giovanni asked for a few purrs for me due to my injured foot and (possible/likely) bleeding ulcer in my tummy. He and I could not imagine the outpouring of love and support I would receive!

The pawesome and wonderful Ann of Zoolatry got right to work and put this purrs and prayers badge together for me, and Terry from Brian's Home - Forever made sure it was posted to The Cat Blogosphere. Both are fellow members of the most fantastic Cat Blogosphere team. I had no idea there was a badge or a purrs and prayers post until I logged on to work on my Saturdays with Sierra post! 

I am blown away at all the love, purrs, prayers, support, and well wishes you all left for me. I know that what I am facing is small, comparatively speaking, but I have been feeling rather alone and isolated in it. My closest friends live many, many miles away, and I have few local friends. My family also lives halfway across the country. 

I know that it will all be okay in the end, but the endoscopy I'm having on Friday makes me a little nervous (what else will they find wrong in there?!). I just hope we get the answers we need and that whatever they find can be treated without surgical intervention. 

So anyway, THANK YOU for all of the love you've shown me. I don't feel quite as alone now. It is truly wonderful how everyone comes together to support one another in tough times in the pet community. I feel blessed to have so many pawesome people rooting for me!

Thankful Thursday blog hop


  1. That is a most wonderful thankful Sierra and you are very important to all of us. We know all will be fine. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. Sierra, purrs are ongoing here for you to have a great outcome from this procedure; a clear diagnosis and treatment path, and a fast recovery. Meows and trills from us, too.

  3. Purrs and prayers Sierra. I think it will go well for the endoscopy.

  4. Sending on more purrayers and POTP !

  5. Continued prayers for a speedy recovery.
